The Teams menu
This section describes the Teams menu, the purpose of teams and how to configure them.
Team definition
A team is a collection of agents and supervisor(s) grouped together for reporting purposes. An agent may be part of multiple teams, multiple supervisors may be responsible for a single, or multiple teams as well.
Team configuration is crucial when it comes to the agent and queue performance monitoring as queues may be assigned to a team or multiple teams as well.
The team acts as a filter for the live and today data the agents may see in their Agent Performance Dashboard, the tasks visible in their Queue listing tabs as well as the tasks the agent can manually assign through the cherry picking functionality.
Additionally, supervisors benefit from the same filter for the Portal's queue and team reports. These reports are automatically filtered by Team. A supervisor will not be able to see data belonging to a team the supervisor is not part of. This applies to agents as well.
Create a Team
To create your first team, navigate to the Buzzeasy Portal. Find the Teams menu under the General category.
The Teams blade displays, this blade contains a list of the available teams and their member count.
Click the +Create button. A secondary blade opens with no details pre-filled.
Enter a name for the Team in the Name of the Team field. This is a required field.
Select the queues associated to this team.
Add at least one member in the Members field. There is no limitation on the amount of a members a team can have, however, for the best experience we suggest to not add more than 20 members for a given team and up to 20 queues. This depends on how your business operates.
Once you add the agents and supervisors to your new team, click the Save button.
The team is now created.
Agents and supervisors may need to logout and log back in to retrieve their team memberships. Agents should do this from the Agent application while supervisors should use the portal.
Edit a Team
To edit a team, navigate to the Buzzeasy Portal > General > Teams and select the team you wish to edit.
You may change the name of the team, assign or deassign queues, add or remove members.
Portal's built in intelligence will detect if your assigned queues have been deleted by your administrator. You will be presented with a clean up option. On click, it will automatically deassign removed queues from your team.
Changes will be retrieved when agents and supervisors login to their applications.
You may also delete a team if its no longer needed. This action is irreversible. While you may create a new identical team, the Buzzeasy unique identifier will be different, as such, reporting may be affected.